Thursday, 19 May 2016

Term 2 in Te Ara Toru!

What a lovely start back this term.

We've welcomed Lennon and Rua into our class, and now we have 13 wonderful little monkeys in here!

In maths, as well as learning our numbers 0-20 forwards and backwards, we have been learning about measurement. We've been making cylinders, and finding out how bug they need to be to fit 10 dinosaurs in them! This week, we made 20 cylinders, each one fitting a different number of dinosaurs. It's been great learning and fun too!

In our writing, we tried some tasty treats and wrote about them! 

We ate some apple slices, then tried them with peanut butter and then again with salt! It was fun to try new flavours and to see the kid's faces too! We love writing in Te Ara Toru and the kids enjoy practising their letter formations and sounding out words. 

We always have time for dress ups too, of course!! 

We did some art this week- making Crazy Birds! It's great to see the kids imagination come out! 

The last thing we want to share with you in this update is our learning of special places to us in New Zealand. We've been learning the names of our 3 Islands, and where we live. It's been so great to receive postcards from all over NZ, and even some from overseas, so thanks for your help at home.

We are about to move into Healthy Eating for the next 4 weeks, which will include a visit to the Life Education Bus, and baking of some healthy snacks- yum!!